some statistics and trends in the books i read last year

Some statistics and trends in the books I read last year

This is a graph of the genres I read last year (2023). I read 2 books in the following genres that my chart didn't label: children's book, classics, humor, and sci-fi. I also read 6 genres which the chart does not label since I only read one book in the genre: these genres are fictionalized memoir, plays, mystery, collection of speeches, YA historical fiction, and the genre I titled "stupid" (a self help book called The Artist's Way which makes statements of attempted fact that bear no similarity to reality).

My favorite genres (in which I read at least two entries I had not previously read), apparently, were literary fiction (average rating 4.305555), historical fiction (4.083333), and myth retellings (3.875) and my least favorite genres were memoirs (2.3 repeating), and then a 3-way tie for second-to-last place (average rating 2.5) between YA fantasy, anthologies, and humor (by humor I mean P.G. Wodehouse, who is not funny). Ignoring the two-new-entries restriction, my least favorite genre was "stupid," predictably.

I seemed to have learned my lesson from the year before last year when my second-to-least favorite genre was romance because I didn't read anything this year that strictly fits into the romance genre. Next year I will just have to stop reading memoirs and P.G. Wodehouse and then I can finally be happy.

This is a chart of the source from which I acquired my books. I would make a chart of the people I borrowed books from, but there are no repeat lenders, so it would just be a list. 

You may also be wondering where the stolen books were stolen from, so I have made a chart explaining that, too.

This is a graph of who recommended books to me. I am counting it as a recommendation from a professor if it was required for their class as well as if they recommended it to me for some reason other than required reading. I would like to thank everyone who has kindly recommended and/or lent books to me (except for my high school history teacher) and publicly apologize to anyone who recommended me a book that I didn't read, or lent me a book I haven't yet returned. 

On a similar note, I read 81 books for fun and 19 books for school. I also read a book because my professor told me it would answer a question I asked him in class (in my spreadsheet I put this into a third category, "being really extra"), but it was less than 100 pages, and I don't really think that counts as a book. 

I am really tired of making pie charts. I read 88 physical books, 11 ebooks, and 1 audiobooks (I hate audiobooks). And I also read 70 books for the first time and 30 books were rereads (or rerereads, or rererereads, etc). Wait that would be a fun chart.

This is the end of the blog post; I hope you have enjoyed my infographics. I'm 100% sure I've made at least one mistake in counting books (I can't count and I can't add).


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