about this blog

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (jk no one asks me questions about my blog)

Hello, I'm Clara, and this is my book blog.

What does the title mean?

It's a pun on a line from the poem The Garden of Proserpine (my favorite poem). The actual line is "red strays of ruined springs."

I can't see all of your reviews.

If you scroll down, it says "MORE POSTS" and you can click on that.

Why is the URL different from the name of the blog?

I don't know, but I don't want to change it.
Alternatively, it's also a line from The Garden of Proserpine, and I really wanted to reference that poem as frequently as possible.

Favorite books?

Here, have a google doc.

How do I subscribe?

It says "subscribe!!" at the top of the page. I have a google form. You can't unsubscribe from the email list yet, but I'm working on it. Something to bear in mind.

update: you can now unsubscribe here.


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