
all the books i read in july and what i thought of them

 All the books I read in July and what I thought of them can't stand this season, too hot, no school, bored, blah blah blah etc. etc.  In July I read 9 books :D ✨✨✨ The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Vladimir Nabokov rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I would recommend this book to If on a Winter's Night a Traveler enjoyers because I think this book is about being a writer in the same way that book is about being a reader, but I'm not really a writer, so I can't say for sure. This book is one of my favorite entries into the mystery genre because there are no stakes. The guy is already dying. Well, the guy is always already dead, but with Sebastian Knight, the question is about what his life was like, not who killed him. I'm phrasing this in a very confusing way; it's not a murder mystery because no one killed him. I loved reading literature analyses of Sebastian Knight's fictional books, and I think The Real Life of Sebastian Knight sort of imitates the style of Sebastian Knigh

all the books i read in june and what i thought of them

 All the books I read in June and what I thought of them I hope the readers of my blog are having a better summer than me. I am so bored on the days I don't have my internship, but this is potentially a positive thing for the readers of my blog because all I can think to do with myself is read. Consequently, I read 11 books in June.  ✨✨✨ Joseph Anton by Salman Rushdie rating: ⭐⭐✨ This is the first memoir Salman Rushdie wrote about the fatwa. It is such a shame that Salman Rushdie is a good writer who had a fascinating experience and yet did not manage to write a good book about it. I understand (because I read the book) that being fatwaed and then locked up in your house/other people's houses for ten years is an emotionally taxing experience and maybe you want to rant about it for 600 pages, so I'm glad he wrote the book if it was vindicating for him, but that doesn't mean it's a good book. Joseph Anton is doing great things as a vehicle for expressing angst and air

eleven songs celina listened to in may and what she thought of them

 eleven songs i listened to in may and what i thought of (some of) them hello patrons of clara’s blog. two things right off the bat: 1) this is not clara and 2) this post is far too long. For my non-Mandarin-understanding friends, I'm sorry you can’t experience these songs in their original language. I hope the translations suffice. These are not super direct/literal, and for the most part I will favor the general vibe and message of the song over specific details (though footnotes will be added where I see fit. sorry in advance).  Disclaimer: I am a good translator 1 , but I fear some things will always be untranslatable 2 (but! that should never stop you! music is universal and you can listen to something you don't understand and still learn from it! isn't that cool!!) 1.   Source: Professor Hoffman and also my mom 2. Source: Professor Hoffman and also me 🎶🎶🎶 李荣浩 Li Ronghao《另一端 The Other Side》  MV Lyrics:  梳了梳頭髮 煮三菜一湯 兒子中學畢業典禮不能遲到 自行車鏈條 換完了又換 下個月初給家裡買台電視看 要對人友善 並保持堅韌