all the books i read in october and what i thought of them
All the books I read in October and what I thought of them In October I read 8 books, and two of them had anything interesting to say about love, and neither of those books had a central romantic relationship. Romance books never have anything interesting to say about love. I am making that inflammatory statement in hopes that someone will recommend me a book with a central romantic relationship that says something interesting about love because my dad says that if you put false information on the internet, someone will get mad at you and correct you, and, therefore, lying on the internet about something you don't understand is a more effective way to get your questions answered than asking the question in the form of a question. Anyone who has been worried about my sleep deprivation because of my comment last month about how sleep deprived I am should take comfort in knowing that last night I didn't stay up late, and then it started snowing, and I missed it. One way to look...