the love hypothesis (ali hazelwood): a review
The Love Hypothesis (a review) rating: ⭐⭐⭐ I read The Love Hypothesis because I saw Sam reading The Love Hypothesis . I did not love this book, although a lot of that is because I don't like certain tropes in romance novels. If you really enjoy cheesy romance books or like tropes I don't, you might well like it more than I did. If you have been living under a rock, you may not be familiar with the premise of The Love Hypothesis , in which case I'm here to tell you that this book is about a fake relationship between Olive, a science grad student (I don't know what kind of science, but she does cancer research, so whatever field of science that is) and Adam, a professor of... some kind of science. It's crazy how I've read this entire book and I still don't know what kind of science Olive and Adam do. Anyway, Olive and Adam start fake dating because Olive wants to convince her friend Anh that it is okay for Anh to date Olive's ex because Olive is romantic...